
    DCG develops state of the art e-commerce solutions for small and middle sized enterprises. DCG’s platform is among the Top 3 brazilian e-commerce platforms available in the market.

    Headquarters: Porto Alegre - RS
    Year of Investment: 2016
    Year of Divestment: 2018
    Sector: Financial Tech

  • Chipus


    Chipus is an analog intellectual design house (IP) with strong experience in power management and data converters, as well as Internet of Things applications.

    Headquarters: Florianópolis - SC
    Year of Investment: 2016
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Information Technology

  • EasyCredito


    Easycredito is a B2C lending platform.

    Headquarters: Goiania - GO
    Year of Investment: 2019
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Financial Tech

  • Datarisk


    Datarisk is a online predictive modeling platform, focused on financial institutions.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2019
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Financial Tech

  • PinMyPet


    PinMyPett develops IoT and wearable solutions for the Pet segment. The company’s solutions can be used for the tracking and analysis of pets behaviour.

    Headquarters: Brasília - DF
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: 2018
    Sector: Hardware

  • Visent


    Visent is a communications company focused on big data & analytics solutions for the telecommunications sector, as well as M2M solutions for smart cities.

    Headquarters: Brasilia - DF
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Communications

  • Konduto


    Konduto is focused on anti fraud, real time prevention platforms for e-commerce and digital banking applications. Using artificial intelligence and big data, Konduto’s platform captures the navigation path and behavior of the user in real time and can detect accuratelly the probability of fraud.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2017
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Financial Tech

  • Bom Consórcio

    Bom Consórcio

    Fintech focused on consortium quota marketplace.

    Headquarters: Salvador - BA
    Year of Investment: 2019
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Financial Tech

  • Ventrix


    Ventrix is a Brazilian company focused on technological and innovative medical solutions. The company develops, manufactures and markets eletro-medical, telemedicine and smart medical devices and systems.

    Headquarters: Itajubá - MG
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Health

  • HCO

    About our investment: HCO

    HCO is a logistics operator focused on the heath sector. HCO’s solutions are targeted on the optimization of the hospital’s supply chain.


    Headquarters: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: 2018
    Sector: Health

  • DotLegend


    Dot Legend is focused on omnichannel, market networks and mobile shopping experience. The company’s two major products, BoaLista and BrandZapp, are focused on mobile shopping experiences, using concepts of georeferencing, big data, analytics and omni channel.

    Headquarters: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
    Year of Investment: 2014
    Year of Divestment: 2018
    Sector: Information Technology

  • Yller Biomateriais

    Yller Biomateriais

    A Yller Biomateriais desenvolve soluções tecnológicas para o setor odontológico baseadas em novos materiais e nanotecnologia.

    Headquarters: Pelotas - RS
    Year of Investment: 2016
    Year of Divestment: 2019
    Sector: Health

  • Epitrack


    Epitrack is a health tech company focused on Epidemiology as a Service (EaaS) platforms. Its platforms can be used by governments and the private sector to analyse and predict epidemy outbreaks.

    Headquarters: Recife - PE
    Year of Investment: 2017
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Health

  • Pagcerto


    Fintech with payment platform comprising POS network and ERP for SMEs.

    Headquarters: Aracaju - SE
    Year of Investment: 2018
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Financial Tech

  • Nanox


    Nanox is a nanotechnology company focused on innovative solutions for different segments such as retail, food packaging, textile, architecture and design.

    Headquarters: São Carlos - SP
    Year of Investment: 2016
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Nanotechnology

  • Joy Street

    Joy Street

    Joy Street designs, develops and operates digital learning platforms that promote student-teacher engagement through games and further academic performance. Its products have been used by more than 150 thousand students and 5000 teachers and earned several national and international awards, including the award for best application for electronic government in Brazil, e-Gov 2011, the Games for Change Latam 2012 and the European Seal of e-Excellence 2013 award.

    Headquarters: Recife - PE
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Education

  • Confiance Medical

    Confiance Medical

    Confiance Medical is a health tech company focused on minimally invasive videosurgery devices. Recently, Confiance Medical became Brazilian’s largest producer of such type of equipments. With focus on quality and customer services, Confiance Medical is a reference on videosurgery devices in Brazil.

    Headquarters: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
    Year of Investment: 2017
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Health

  • Nérus


    Nérus develops innovative ERP solutions for retailers, with focus on sectors such as Autoparts, Electronics, and Clothing.


    Headquarters: Belo Horizonte - MG
    Year of Investment: 2017
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Information Technology

  • Hive


    Hive is a Digital Marketing tech company, with proprietary solutions based on big data & analytics which purpose is to track, analyse and maximize conversion on marketing campaigns. Hive also developed a chatbot platform with applications in the retail, food, medical and financial services markets.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Digital Marketing

  • Siteware


    A Siteware atua no setor de Business Intelligence (BI) e Corporate Performance Management (CPM). A partir de uma plataforma desenvolvida para ser escalável e de simples utilização, a Siteware estruturou módulos (produtos) que auxiliam empresas a extrair dados, de diferentes locais e formatos, e transformá-los em indicadores e informações gerenciais, utilizadas por gestores para controlar suas áreas, equipes e metas. Atualmente 20.000 usuários utilizam os produtos da Siteware, analisando e manuseando milhões de registros. A Siteware possui 30 empresas na base ativa de clientes, dentre as quais grandes empresas brasileiras.

    Headquarters: Belo Horizonte - MG
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Information Technology

  • Cliever


    Cliever is a pioneering brazilian tech company that developed a complete prototyping platform based on 3D printing, including both hardware and software.

    Headquarters: Porto Alegre - RS
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Hardware

  • Fumajet


    Fumajet’s tecnological solutions are focused on the disease’s and vectors control for urban and agricultural applications.

    Headquarters: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: 2018
    Sector: Agribusiness

  • Auvo


    Workforce and external teams automation tools.

    Headquarters: Goiânia - GO
    Year of Investment: 2018
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Information Technology

  • In Forma

    In Forma

    InForma develops solutions focused on the management and control of physical assets on regulated sectors such as Energy, Oil and Gas, Ports and Telecommunications.

    Headquarters: Recife - PE
    Year of Investment: 2016
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Energy

  • Brasil Ozônio

    Brasil Ozônio

    Brasil Ozônio is a cleantech company focused on ozone based solutions for water and gases treatment. It’s high capacity ozone generator is a device that can achieve unparallel ozone concentrations which allows large scale applications in different industries.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: 2019
    Sector: Agribusiness

  • Oncase


    Oncase has business analytics, business intelligence and big data platforms focused on the optimization of decision making processes in service/industry companies.

    Headquarters: Recife - PE
    Year of Investment: 2017
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Information Technology

  • Convenia


    Convenia is a technology startup focused on cloud platforms for Human Resource strategic management on SMBs. Convenia’s solution allows HR managers  a much more efficient management of their departments, providing real cost savings, work force liability reduction, better employee engagement and optimized corporate benefits management.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2017
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Information Technology

  • Compass


    Compass develops odontology solutions based on state of the art scanning and 3D printing. The company is focused on solutions for surgery, implants and orthodontics.

    Headquarters: Belo Horizonte - MG
    Year of Investment: 2016
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Health

  • bLive


    bLive is a technology company focused on IoT and RFID based platforms for data capture, processing and visualization with applications on WMS and YMS logistics.

    Headquarters: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Logistics

  • Bling


    Bling is a next gen ERP services company. It allow SMBs to manage their business on a clound based, SaaS platform with end-to-end control.

    Headquarters: Bento Gonçalves - Rio Grande do Sul
    Year of Investment: 2017
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Financial Tech

  • Spume


    Big data/Fast data platforms with artificial inteligence, focused on real time corporate decision.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2018
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Information Technology

  • Altave

    Por trás do nosso último investimento: Altave

    Altave is a manufacturer of monitoring ballons with applications in defense and security, agriculture, telecom and oil and gas.

    Headquarters: são José dos Campos - SP
    Year of Investment: 2018
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Agribusiness

  • HTP


    HTP Solution is a company that develops technological solutions for business transportation management, providing optimization of fleet and passengers management processes, therefore cost savings for its customers. The iTransport®, its main product, is a online platform that manages transportations services in organizations the uses privates fleets (own and/or outsourced) through its three modules: collective transport (TC), light transport (TL) and heavy transport (TP). In addition, HTP also offers fleet tracking and monitoring services through hardware installed on the bus.

    Headquarters: Belo Horizonte - MG
    Year of Investment: 2015
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Logistics

  • NoAlvo


    NoAlvo is a digital marketing platform that optimizes the online/offline media selection and measurement process.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2019
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Digital Marketing

  • Vindi


    A Vindi is a fintech company that develops recurring payment gateway solutions.

    Headquarters: São Paulo - SP
    Year of Investment: 2016
    Year of Divestment: N/A
    Sector: Financial Tech